Dear Parents,
Next week, we will have our Thanksgiving celebration from 9-9:45am. A classroom activity will take place from 9-9:15 immediately followed by a breakfast downstairs in the gym. Please feel free to bring any family pictures for your child to share with his/her peers.
Have a great weekend!
Señorita Sandra, Señorita Mailliw, and Ms. Gabby
Math Spanish Class
Learning a new shape: Crescent
Arranging numbers 1 to 10 in ascending order and understanding the increasing value of every number.
Arranging the numbers 1 to 5.
Counting, identifying, representing, naming, and ordering a number of objects.
Ordering numbers 1 to 10.
Identifying objects and their numeral value.
Identifying the numbers 1 -25.
Learning basic concepts: Full and empty.
Writing the numbers and practicing their pronunciation.
Reviewing the pronunciation for all colors. .
Math English Class
Identifying numerals 1-20.
Writing numerals 1-6.
Identifying amounts 1-6 on a die.
Counting numbers 1-25.
Applying 1:1 correspondence when counting objects.
Identifying a crescent and real life objects in this form.
Language Arts Spanish Class
Pronouncing vocabulary words that start with the letter ‘T’.
Identifying and pronouncing parts of the classroom: Pizarra/Chalkboard, Tiza/Chalk, Mochila/Backpack, Libros/Books and Paginas/Pages.
Memorizing the different types of furniture used School.
Writing our first and last names without any assisting dots.
Writing the upper and lowercase letter ‘T’ and ‘t’.
Recognizing and Pronouncing all the (pictographs) related to the letter of the week: Taza, Tenedor, Tijeras, Toro y Tunel.
Memorizing and pronouncing the alphabet in Spanish.
Learning about syllable segmentation , rhythm, and pauses when reading.
Reviewing the vowels and letter M.
Awareness of the relationship between sounds and letters.
Describing the characters in a short story.
Reviewing characters in the short story and answering questions about the sequence of events, specially in the story ‘Three Little Pigs’.
We read the following stories this week:
– El pulpo que se hizo un lio tremendo
– Los tres cerditos y el lobo feroz
– Árbol de la gratitud
– El viento en los sauces.
Language Arts English Class
Reviewing long vowel sounds A, E, I, O and U.
Identifying ‘long E and I’ sounds in words (e.g. er, eel, eat, eagle, easel, bee and tree; icicle, ice, island, and lion).
Identifying long A, E and I sounds in a dice game.
Listening to a YouTube video of the long vowel sounds
Some of the books read this past week include:
The Three Little Pigs By: Merce Escardo
Strategies and Skills
Reading Strategy #2; Look at the pictures and at the first letter or letters.
Sequencing stories (e.g., first, next, then and finally.)
Taking a picture walk before reading a new story.
Describing the roles of an author and illustrator.
Handwriting Without Tears
‘Air writing’ or ‘Sky writing’ lowercase letters.
Writing letters and numbers on a dry-erase board.
Tracing letters with an index finger.
Writing Capital ‘C’
Writing number 6
Social-Emotional Development in both classrooms
This week we focused on being grateful/thankful for others. We used different activities to teach about this concept:
Expressing what they’re grateful for.
Reading a story about feeling thankful.
Introducing the significance of Thanksgiving.
Practicing and pronouncing the word ‘Thank you’ in different languages.
Social Studies – Supermarket
Identifying the different sections and items sold at the supermarket.
Recognizing the products and their location.
Recognizing words: Dairy Products, Meat section, Fish section, Frozen Foods, Fruits & Vegetables, Bread section, Household items, Toiletries and Drinks.
Discussing the responsibilities of a cashier.
Exploring the concept of Customer and using dollars and cents to pay for items.
Role playing with food items, cash register, money, cashier and customers.
Introducing Kandisky and identifying his main paintings.
Analyzing Kandisky’s painting ‘Color Study, Squares with Concentric Circles’
Identifying the different colors in circles
Making our very own painting with the stippling technique.
Sharing our thoughts about the painting
Vocabulary of the Week
Spanish English
Pizarra Chaklboard
Tiza Chalk
Mochila Backpack
Libros Books
Paginas Pages
La Pizarra es blanca The Chalkboard is white
La tiza es para escribir. We use the chalk to write.
Colgamos la mochila en el perchero. We hang our backpacks in our cubby.
Que libros quereis leer esta semana? Which book would you like to read this week?
Todos vamos a la pagina dos. We all turn to page two.
Spanish class homework;
Grateful story in both language;
Spanish game;
Math alphabet activities;
Three littel pig song;
Dear Parents,
Next week, we will have our Thanksgiving celebration from 9-9:45am. A classroom activity will take place from 9-9:15 immediately followed by a breakfast downstairs in the gym. Please feel free to bring any family pictures for your child to share with his/her peers.
Have a great weekend!
Señorita Sandra, Señorita Mailliw, and Ms. Gabby
Math Spanish Class
– Learning a new shape: Crescent
– Arranging numbers 1 to 10 in ascending order and understanding the increasing value of every number.
– Arranging the numbers 1 to 5.
– Counting, identifying, representing, naming, and ordering a number of objects.
– Ordering numbers 1 to 10.
– Identifying objects and their numeral value.
– Identifying the numbers 1 -25.
– Learning basic concepts: Full and empty.
– Writing the numbers and practicing their pronunciation.
– Reviewing the pronunciation for all colors. .
Math English Class
– Identifying numerals 1-20.
– Writing numerals 1-6.
– Identifying amounts 1-6 on a die.
– Counting numbers 1-25.
– Applying 1:1 correspondence when counting objects.
– Identifying a crescent and real life objects in this form.
Language Arts Spanish Class
– Pronouncing vocabulary words that start with the letter ‘T’.
– Identifying and pronouncing parts of the classroom: Pizarra/Chalkboard, Tiza/Chalk, Mochila/Backpack, Libros/Books and Paginas/Pages.
– Memorizing the different types of furniture used School.
– Writing our first and last names without any assisting dots.
– Writing the upper and lowercase letter ‘T’ and ‘t’.
– Recognizing and Pronouncing all the (pictographs) related to the letter of the week: Taza, Tenedor, Tijeras, Toro y Tunel.
– Memorizing and pronouncing the alphabet in Spanish.
– Learning about syllable segmentation , rhythm, and pauses when reading.
– Reviewing the vowels and letter M.
– Awareness of the relationship between sounds and letters.
– Describing the characters in a short story.
– Reviewing characters in the short story and answering questions about the sequence of events, specially in the story ‘Three Little Pigs’.
We read the following stories this week:
– El pulpo que se hizo un lio tremendo
– Los tres cerditos y el lobo feroz
– Árbol de la gratitud
– El viento en los sauces.
Language Arts English Class
– Reviewing long vowel sounds A, E, I, O and U.
– Identifying ‘long E and I’ sounds in words (e.g. er, eel, eat, eagle, easel, bee and tree; icicle, ice, island, and lion).
– Identifying long A, E and I sounds in a dice game.
– Listening to a YouTube video of the long vowel sounds
Some of the books read this past week include:
– The Three Little Pigs By: Merce Escardo
Strategies and Skills
– Reading Strategy #2; Look at the pictures and at the first letter or letters.
– Sequencing stories (e.g., first, next, then and finally.)
– Taking a picture walk before reading a new story.
– Describing the roles of an author and illustrator.
Handwriting Without Tears
– ‘Air writing’ or ‘Sky writing’ lowercase letters.
– Writing letters and numbers on a dry-erase board.
– Tracing letters with an index finger.
– Writing Capital ‘C’
– Writing number 6
Social-Emotional Development in both classrooms
This week we focused on being grateful/thankful for others. We used different activities to teach about this concept:
– Expressing what they’re grateful for.
– Reading a story about feeling thankful.
– Introducing the significance of Thanksgiving.
– Practicing and pronouncing the word ‘Thank you’ in different languages.
Social Studies – Supermarket
– Identifying the different sections and items sold at the supermarket.
– Recognizing the products and their location.
– Recognizing words: Dairy Products, Meat section, Fish section, Frozen Foods, Fruits & Vegetables, Bread section, Household items, Toiletries and Drinks.
– Discussing the responsibilities of a cashier.
– Exploring the concept of Customer and using dollars and cents to pay for items.
– Role playing with food items, cash register, money, cashier and customers.
– Introducing Kandisky and identifying his main paintings.
– Analyzing Kandisky’s painting ‘Color Study, Squares with Concentric Circles’
– Identifying the different colors in circles
– Making our very own painting with the stippling technique.
– Sharing our thoughts about the painting
Vocabulary of the Week
Pizarra: Chaklboard
Tiza: Chalk
Mochila: Backpack
Libros: Books
Paginas: Pages
La Pizarra es blanca: The Chalkboard is white
La tiza es para escribir: We use the chalk to write.
Colgamos la mochila en el perchero: We hang our backpacks in our cubby.
Que libros quereis leer esta semana?: Which book would you like to read this week?
Todos vamos a la pagina dos: We all turn to page two.
Grateful story in both language
Spanish game
Math alphabet activities
Three little pig song