Dear Parents,
This week we focused on writing the letter L and spelling out our names. A few activities we this did week included:
– Fishing for objects that begin with the letter L.
– Writing the letter L and naming objects that begin with that letter.
– Hunting for magnetic letters to spell out our names.
– Forming the letters in our names with play-doh.
– Identifying letters in an Alphabet Musical Game.
Our Math activities this week consisted of:
– Identifying ‘Encima de / Debajo de’(on top of/ under) by locating objects on the table from our vocabulary list.
– Recognizing numbers 1-15 and applying 1:1 correspondence in a number game.
– Identifying a ‘Estrella‘ (star) we formed a star using toothpicks and mini marshmallows and counted how many toothpicks we used to form the shape. (this link was used to sing the song for our shape ¿Estrellita Donde Estas?)
We are learning about the different holidays celebrated in the month of December. This week we talked about Hanukkah and the 8 candles that light up on Menorah. We painted popsicle sticks with blue paint and made the Star of David, we also decorated our dreidels with tissue paper and had the opportunity to play with some dreidels as well.
To help reinforce our vocabulary words we played Guess Whats In the Mystery Bag, where the children each picked out an item and had to identify what it was.
The vocabulary words of this week are:
Lápiz (pencil)
Pincel (paintbrush)
Bolígrafo (pen)
Lápices de cera (crayons)
Rotulador (marker)
Next week we will begin to review what we have learned past few weeks for our evaluations. We will also be discussing Kwanzaa and Christmas.
Here is the link to the songs for our holiday performance. Please practice with your child at home when possible.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Señorita Carrol and Señorita Mildred