Dear Parents,
Next week, we will have our Thanksgiving celebration from 9-9:45am. A classroom activity will take place from 9-9:15 immediately followed by a breakfast downstairs in the gym. Please feel free to bring any family pictures for your child to share with his/her peers.
Have a great weekend!
Señorita Sandra, Señorita Mailliw, and Ms. Gabby
Math Spanish Class
– Identifying, writing and pronouncing the numbers 1-30.
– Recognizing the shape ; crescent
– Sorting and counting objects in two separate groups, then the total amount, and practice writing those numbers.
– Adding numbers 1-6 by using the terms “yo tengo’ ‘y’ and ‘en total’.
– Identifying and drawing a Crescent moon.
– Learning basic concepts: Full and Empty.
Math English Class
– Identifying numbers 1-20.
– Adding numbers 1-5.
– Adding numbers by using the terms “…and…make’.
– Forming number bonds for 5, 6 and 7.
– Identifying the numerals that added together ‘make’ 5, 6 and 7.
-Identifying, sorting and classifying objects by attribute.
– Writing numbers 1-7.
– Applying 1:1 correspondence when counting objects.
– Identifying a crescent and real life objects in this form.
Language Arts – Spanish Class
– Pronouncing vocabulary words related to the letter ‘L’.
– Identifying and pronouncing items in the classroom: Pizarra/Chalkboard, Tiza/Chalk, Mochila/Backpack, Libros/Books and Paginas/Pages.
– Memorizing the different types of items in a classroom.
– Writing our first and last names without any assisting dots.
– Writing the upper and lowercase letter ‘L’ ‘l’.
– Recognizing and Pronouncing all the (pictographs) related with the letter of the week: Lapiz/pencil, Letras/letters, Libro/book, Loro/parrot and Luna/moon.
– Reviewing and reading the lessons for the letters; M, T, N,and P.
– Memorizing and pronouncing the alphabet in Spanish.
– Learning about syllable segmentation , rhythm, and pauses when reading.
– Writing short sentences related with the vocabulary.
– Reading simple sentences by identifying the words and corresponding pictures.
– Awareness of the relationship between sounds and letters.
– Describing the characters in a short story.
– Reviewing characters in the short story and answering questions about the sequence of events.
We read the following stories this week
– El pulpo que se hizo un lio tremendo
– Los tres cerditos y el lobo feroz
– Árbol de la gratitud
– El viento en los sauces.
Language Arts English Class
– Reviewing long vowel sounds A, E, I, O and U.
– Identifying ‘long E and I’ sounds in words (e.g. er, eel, eat, eagle, easel, bee and tree; icicle, ice, island, and lion).
– Identifying words with the long E sound in a leave hunting game.
– Identifying long A, E and I sounds in a dice game.
– Identifying and sorting long and short E and I words.
Some of the books read this past week include:
– The Giving Tree By: Shel Silverstein
– The Three Little Pigs By: Merce Escardo
Strategies and Skills
– Reading Strategy #2; Look at the pictures and at the first letter or letters.
– Sequencing stories (e.g., first, next, then and finally.)
– Taking a picture walk before reading a new story.
– Describing the roles of an author and illustrator.
Handwriting Without Tears
– ‘Air writing’ or ‘Sky writing’ lowercase letters.
– Writing letters and numbers on a dry-erase board.
– Tracing letters with an index finger.
– Writing Lowercase Letters written same as Capitals (e.g., c, o, s and letter t).
– Writing number 6
Social-Emotional Development in both classrooms
This week we focused on being grateful/thankful for others. We used different activities to teach about this concept:
– Expressing what they’re grateful for.
– Reading a story about feeling thankful.
– Introducing the significance of Thanksgiving.
– Practicing and pronouncing the word ‘Thank you’ in different languages.
Social Studies – Supermarket
– Identifying the different sections and items sold at the supermarket.
– Recognizing the products and their location.
– Recognizing words: Dairy Products, Meat section, Fish section, Frozen Foods, Fruits & Vegetables, Bread section, Household items, Toiletries and Drinks.
– Discussing the responsibilities of a cashier.
– Exploring the concept of a customer and using dollars and cents to pay for items.
– Role playing with food items, cash register, money, cashier and customers.
– Introducing Kandisky and identifying his main paintings.
– Analyzing Kandisky’s painting ‘Color Study, Squares with Concentric Circles’
– Identifying the different colors in circles
– Making our very own painting with the stippling technique.
– Sharing our thoughts about the painting.
Vocabulary of the Week
Pizarra: Chaklboard
Tiza: Chalk
Mochila: Backpack
Libros: Books
Paginas: Pages
La Pizarra es blanca: The Chalkboard is white
La tiza es para escribir: We use the chalk to write.
Colgamos la mochila en el perchero: We hang our backpacks in our cubby.
Que libros quereis leer esta semana?: Which book would you like to read this week?
Todos vamos a la pagina dos: We all turn to page two.
Grateful story in both language