Dear Parents,
We hope you all had a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving! We would like to give a special thanks to all of our parents who contributed towards our Thanksgiving celebration. It was a total success!
This week,our students celebrated Kai’s 4th Birthday. Happy Birthday Kai!
In the classroom, the children worked very hard at their numbers bonds and counting backwards. The children’s favorite activity this week was playing in the dramaticplay area and pretending to be firefighters!
Please don’t forget to stop by our Mexico exhibit located on the 1st floor in the gym.
Have a great weekend!
Sincerely, Señorita Sandra, Señorita Mailliw, and Ms. Gabby
Math Spanish Class
– Identifying, writing and pronouncing the numbers 1-30.
– Arranging numbers 10 to 1 in decreasing order and understanding the decreasing value of every number.
– Recognizing and drawing a Star
– Forming number bonds for 5, 6 and 7.
– Counting objects of two different colors/shapes, identifying the total amount, and practice writing those numbers.
– Learning to visually combine and add numbers with the counting machine.
– Learning basic concepts: Left and Right.
Math English Class
– Identifying numbers 1-30.
– Counting numbers 1-10 in descending order.
– Adding numbers 1-8.
– Adding numbers by using the terms “…and…make’.
– Forming number bonds for 7 and 8.
– Identifying numerals that added together ‘make’ 7 and 8.
– Identifying, sorting and classifying objects by attribute.
– Writing numbers 1-8.
– Applying 1:1 correspondence when counting objects.
– Identifying a star as a shape and real life objects in this form.
– Understanding the concept of left and right.
Language Arts – Spanish Class
– Pronouncing vocabulary words related to the letter ‘D’.
– Identifying and pronouncing items in the classroom: Pizarra/Chalkboard, Tiza/Chalk, Mochila/Backpack, Libros/Books and Paginas/Pages.
– Memorizing the different types of items in a classroom.
– Writing our first and last names without any assisting dots.
– Writing the upper and lowercase letter ‘D’ ‘d’.
– Identifying and pronouncing materials used in the classroom: Lapiz/Pencil, Boligrafo/Pen, Rotulador/Marker, Lapices de colores/Colored pencils, Ceras/Crayons and Pincel/Paintbrush.
– Memorizing the different types of materials used in School.
– Reviewing and reading the lessons for the letters; M, T, N,and P.
– Memorizing and pronouncing the alphabet in Spanish.
– Learning about syllable segmentation , rhythm, and pauses when reading.
– Writing short sentences related with the vocabulary.
– Reading simple sentences by identifying the words and corresponding pictures.
– Awareness of the relationship between sounds and letters.
– Describing the characters in a short story.
– Reviewing characters in the short story and answering questions about the sequence of events.
We read the following stories this week:
– Las jirafas pueden bailar.
– Heidi
– El bebe de los Paponatas
– Los cinco bomberos y el lió con la I.
– Mi Papa también tuvo un hermanito.
Language Arts English Class
– Reviewing long vowel sounds A, E, I, O and U.
– Listening to a long vowel song on YouTube
– Identifying ‘long O and U’ sounds in words (e.g. oval, oatmeal, yogurt, cone, bone, bow, gold, open, and goat; ukulele, unicycle, utensils, unicorn, uniform, cube and United States).
– Identifying and sorting Long O and Long U sounds in a ice-cream cone game.
– Identifying and matching Long O sounds in a matching memory game.
– Clapping words into syllables (syllable segmentation).
– Assembling Long U word puzzles.
Some of the books/poems read this past week include:
– My Uncle’s Ukulele (Scholastic ABC sing-along).
– An Octopus Swam in the Ocean (Scholastic ABC sing-along)
– Sammy Spiders First Hanukkah By: Sylvia A. Rouss
Strategies and Skills
– Reading strategy #1; Look at the pictures.
– Reading strategy #2; Look at the pictures and at the first letter or letters.
– Reading Strategy #3; Sound it out.
– Sequencing stories (e.g., first, next, then and finally).
– Taking a picture walk before reading a new story.
– Describing the roles of an author and illustrator.
Handwriting Without Tears
– Writing letters and numbers on a dry-erase board.
– Forming letters with an index finger on shaving cream.
– Writing Lowercase Letters written same as Capitals (e.g., v and w).
-Writing ‘Magic c’ Lowercase Letters (e.g. a and d).
– Writing number 7
Social-Emotional Development in both classrooms
– This week we focused on feeling ‘Celos’ (Jealous) towards others. We used various activities to help us understand this concept:
– Introducing the emotion and its meaning.
– Sharing stories of when we have felt jealous.
– Reading stories about feeling jealousy.
– Discussing jealousy between siblings.
– Memorizing the word in Spanish and English
Social Studies – Firefighters
– Identifying the different sections and items at the Fire station.
– Recognizing Firefighters’ clothing and tools.
– Discussing the responsibilities of a fireman or fire-woman.
– Dramatizing a fire and following the steps needed to remain safe (e.g, using an extinguisher to put out a fire).
– Making a firefighter helmet.
– Introducing Henri Matisse and identifying his main paintings.
– Analyzing Kandisky’s painting’The parrot and the siren’ 1952.
– Identifying the different colors in the painting on white background.
– Making our very own mural.
– Sharing our thoughts on the painting.
Vocabulary of the Week
Lápiz: Pencil
Bolígrafo: Pen
Rotulador: Markers
Ceras: Crayons
Pincel: Paintbrush
Goma de borrar: Eraser
Escribimos nuestro nombre con el Lápiz: We write our names with a pencil.
El bolígrafo mágico, sirve para hacer caras felices: We use the magic pen to draw happy faces.
¿Qué rotulador quieres?: Which colored marker would you like?
Las ceras están el la caja naranja: The crayons are in the orange basket.
Usamos la Goma para borrar cuando nos equivocamos: We use our eraser when we want to erase a mistake.
Recommendation links
Habilidades visuales y de discriminación
New version ‘The three little pigs’
Jingle Bells (For our Holiday Show)