Dear Parents,
We hope you all had a wonderful and restful break!
As you are all aware Ms. Mailliw has not yet been able to return to Maryel International due to medical reasons, for this reason Ms. Dhariana will be taking her place.
Also, as the schedules for both of our groups have changed, we have decided to design one weekly for all of our students.
Have a great weekend!
Señorita Sandra, Señorita Mailliw, and Ms. Gabby
Math in both Classes
- Reviewing shapes: rectangle, triangle, square, oval, pentagon, octagon, trapezoid, crescent and star.
- Reviewing the colors: black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, purple, pink, brown, and gray.
- Reviewing basic concepts: same, similar, different, open, closed, near, far, empty, full, above, below,one-some-many, small, medium, large, first, second, third and last, left and right.
Group A
- Identifying numbers 1-30 in ascending order.
- Identifying numbers 1-20 in descending order.
- Matching objects by function or/and color.
- Arranging a set of objects in different ways.
- Reading a picture graph using numbers 1-5.
Group B
- Comparing two numbers and saying how many more or less one number is compared the other.
- Writing the numerals 16-20 in tens and ones.
- Building the number bonds for 5-8.
Language Arts – Spanish Class
- Reviewing the vocabulary for: materials used in the classroom, parts of the classroom, and parts of the school.
- Reviewing the vocabulary the letters M,T, N, P, L, D and vowels Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu in upper and lowercase form.
- Reviewing the pronunciation of the alphabet in Spanish.
- Reviewing the relationship between sounds and letters.
- Reading simple sentences by identifying the words and their corresponding pictures.
Language Arts English Class
- Reviewing long and short vowel sounds A, E, I, O and U.
- Identifying and sorting out words with long and short vowel sounds.
- Identifying and sounding out words with long and short vowel sounds.
Handwriting Without Tears
- Writing all uppercase ad lowercase letters in correct form.
- Writing letters starting on the top.
Book: Giraffes Can’t Dance By: Giles Andrede
‘Las Jirafas No Pueden Bailar’
Strategies and Skills
- Reading strategy #1; Look at the pictures.
- Reading strategy #2; Look at the pictures and at the first letter or letters.
- Reading Strategy #3; Sound it out.
- Taking a picture walk before reading a new story.
- Describing the roles of an author and illustrator.
- Identifying the sequencing in the story.
- Describing the characters in a short story.
- Identifying new vocabulary with the book.
- Role- playing with the all characters in the book.
Social Studies
- Reviewing the tools used by Firefighters and Doctors.
- Reviewing the responsibilities of a fireman or fire-woman and a Doctor.
- Dramatizing a fire and following the steps needed to remain safe with ambulance.
- Recognizing words: Produce Department, Dairy Products, Meat section, Fish section, Frozen Foods, Fruits & Vegetables, Bread section, Household items, Toiletries and Drinks.
- Discussing the responsibilities of a cashier.
- Role playing with food items, cash register, money, cashier and customers.
Social-Emotional Development in both classrooms
Reviewing the emotions and feelings covered in the first trimester including: feeling happy, sad, angry, fearful, thankful and jealous, as well as having empathy, and compassion with others.
Recomendation Links