Ardillas Class.
This month, the Ardillas focused on new topics in Mathematics, Reading and Writing, and Social Studies. We focused on visually recognizing and counting numbers up to 40. They also began learning how to trace the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Different shapes and sizes were introduced this month. They began tracing and drawing shapes like triangles and rhombus, in the different sizes we reviewed: small, medium, and big. In reading and Writing, we focused greatly on the letter u, both words that begin with this letter and words that include the letter such as: luna, (moon), gusano (worm), burro (donkey), puerta (door), cuchara (spoon) and uno (one). We also reviewed how to trace simple strokes such as: circle, diagonal, vertical, horizontal and U shape. Furtheremore, in Social Studies we kept to our theme of Winter and made bracelets with winter colors, and a winter hat with cotton balls.

Koalas Class
This month, the Koalas have learned about new letters, numbers, and books with a focus on the season of winter. With a theme of winter, we learned about nieve (snow) and used white paint on dark colored paper. In mathematics, we have focused greatly on reviewing the numbers 1- 10, and decorated the number 9 with collage materials. They also count the numbers on the calendar and the number of children in the classroom. The Koalas love to sing the song ¨Cuenten Conmigo¨ to review these numbers. As they learn about letters, they decorated the letter F with collage materials and used stampers with ink and play dough to make the shape of various letters. We read books such as “Los 3 Cerditos” to reinforce counting, and “El Amor Es” which talks about family love, and helped teach words for family such as: Bebe (baby), Abuelo (grandfather) and Abuela (grandmother).

Pre-K Class
This month our Pre-Kindergarten students stayed busy and curious as we learned new letters, numbers, science concepts, and new geography. We focused on the letters F, G, H, and specifically the vowels A, E, O. In Math, we reviewed counting up from 1 to 10, and down from 10 to 1. Furthermore, we learned about different line patterns and matching numbers with a set quantity of objects. As we moved into geography we learned focused on Antarctica, North America, and South America and what attributes are connected with which continent. In Science, we began by learning about the weather, and continued by learning the differences between wild and domestic animals and their habitats, including thigns that grow in the Earth. Lastly, as we read books we also learned about rhyming and different words that rhyme such as sad/mad.

Kindergarten Class
This month in Kindergarten we had an eventful month learning a handful of different letters, math and science concepts, as well as exploring the culture of two countries. They learned letter and sound recognition for four letters: Rr, Cc, Zz, Yy. In mathematics, we learned about adding with double-digit numbers as well as subtracting a one-digit number from a two-digit number. Additionally, students focused on 2D shapes and its attributes. In Science, we focused on learning about space and the different moon phases as well as the patterns of day and night. In History and Geography, we learned about American symbols, the role and requirements of a US president, as well as the national bird (bald eagle). Lastly, we got to explore the culture of both Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic during our International Studies.