Dear Parents,
This week the Koalas were introduced to new concepts and put them into practice with hands-on crafts. They reviewed their vowels, the number 7, the color ‘morado’ (purple), and ‘estrella’ (star). The children also reviewed the importance of sharing during circle time while reviewing ‘feliz’ and ‘triste’.
Next week, we will begin to ask the children: ‘¿Qué hiciste ayer?’ (What did you do yesterday) during circle time. The purpose of this is to help the children activate their vocabulary and begin bringing thoughts and ideas from home into the classroom. We ask that you please review this with your child by asking the same question at home and helping him or her come up with a response to share in class.
For math, the children worked on their fine motor skills while counting. They counted cheerios and placed them carefully on a piece of spaghetti.
The Koalas also reviewed their colors and vocabulary about ‘my city’. They used cotton balls to paint ‘un edificio’ (a building) with colorful ‘ventanas’ (windows). Later we discussed ‘la biblioteca’ (library) and the children designed their own book covers.
We ask that you please review these concepts with your child by asking him or her how to respond ‘en español’.
Highlight of the week: This week we celebrated Summer’s 3rd birthday!