Welcome to our weekly updates, where every week we will show you a ‘Little Part’ of the work our kids have done.
Enjoy looking at how our little ones are growing and learning…
We just finished our first full week of school, which was very exciting. Thisweek we started to adapt to our new schedule and routines.
In Math Class
– Reviewing numbers 0 through 30.
– Recognizing the Cuisenaire strips 1 -3.
– Practicing with numbers cubes.
In Language Arts
– Tracing lines as a pre-writing activity.
– Building a foundation of the alphabet in both languages.
-Usingmagnetic letters to spell our names.
– Developing our fine-motor skills by cutting the letters of our names, gluing them down, and using stamps to spell our names.
In Science – Body Parts…
In International Studies – Learning about Spain’s culture…
We have been working every morning on many concepts during circle time, where we worked with number recognition in our calendar, we placed the correct day of the week, talked about the weather by looking through the window and always with our lovely mascot ‘La Ardilla Pilla‘.
Believe it or not, we also have our relaxation time after recess and they really enjoy it and relax with classical music.
This week because we are still in the adaptation week, there was no formal theme. However made lots of discoveries this week using different textures. We made a collage using plumas (feathers), botones (buttons) and pon pones (pom poms).
Using different colors we did some free paint. A few of us preferred to color our hands and feel the texture of the paint.
To exercise our gross motor skills, we walked through an obstacle course of balancing and jumping! We read stories and had so much fun playing in the backyard and with the colorful parachute! What a fun week we had.
This week the students learned their friends’ names and the classroom rules. We worked with different textures and paints. They played in the different areas and learned how to organize the different materials. We read the book ‘Cuando estoy enojado’ and spoke about the emotion ‘angry’. In music and movement, we spoke about the concepts ‘dentro’ (inside) and ‘fuera’ (outside).