Ardillas Class
In Mathematics, this week we reviewed the number tres 3. They identified, traced, and quantified the number. Furthermore, the children reviewed shapes and traced: pentagon, trapezoid, diamond and parallelogram. They also tore construction paper and placed it inside a triangle. Lastly, they listened to the story of Goldilocks and the three bears and matched each bear to their bed.
In Reading and writing, the children used their fine motor skills to: cut and glue. They made houses, put windows on a vehicle and a spaceship for the astronaut. They traced the letter i. Furthermore they practiced their inclined stokes and horizontal stokes. Lastly, they attempted to following along with the teacher to complete a snowman.
In Social Studies, our theme was Navidad (Christmas). The children learned about Christmas. The children decorated: a calcetin navideño (Christmas stocking), muñeco de nieve (snowperson) and hombre de jengibre (ginger bread man). They also started an árbol de Navidad (Christmas trees). Lastly, they recognized the letters in their name and placed it on an gorro de duende (elf hat).











Koalas Class
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving celebration with your loved ones. Koalas were very happy to come back to school and eager to learn new things every day.
During this week the students were introduced to a variety of land vehicles where they also reviewed shapes such as “circulos y cuadradros” (circles and squares) to make their own trucks and school buses. The students also worked on finding patterns and putting two pieces together to identify pictures of different vehicles. In order to practice the numbers 1-5 the students counted and identified the quantity represented in a worksheet. Koalas enjoyed working on their very own trains while they reviewed the letters contained in their names.
Vocabulary of the week:
coche (car)
autobús (bus)
tractor (tractor)
tren (train)
bicicleta (bicycle)
motocicleta (motocycle)
uno (one)
dos (two)
tres (three)
cuatro (four)
cinco (five)





First Grade Class
Welcome to Week 13. This was a different week for our first graders. However, they each pushed through it and proved to be the hardworking and dedicated students we truly enjoy educating day in and day out. Let’s see what our first graders learned this week.
Students worked on sustantivos comunes y propios (common and proper nouns). They correctly recognized common nouns and their corresponding proper nouns and vice versa.
Students have thus far learned about the northwestern and southwestern regions of the United States. This week they wrapped up their study on the southwestern region as they studied the state of Colorado.
Students worked on tongue twisters that contained the ‘r’ and the ‘rr’. They then practiced switching out the ‘r’ for the ‘rr’ and vice versa to make new words with different definitions. For example “coro” turns into “corro”, “para” into “parra” and “carro” to “caro” etc. This exercise also helped students learn new Spanish words.



Kindergarten Class
This week had 2 English days and 3 Spanish days. Students learned how to write the Letter Hh on their whiteboards, smartboard, and workbooks. They learned that the letter Hh makes a sound in English but in Spanish it is silent. Students also worked stretching all their letters sounds to write words in English (ham, hop, hit, hen, hips, hum, hat) and in Spanish (helado, hada, hombre, hacha, hucha,)
This week students were introduced to new sight words in both languages. In English students wrote sentences using the sight words (little, here, go) In Spanish they tried their best to write sentences using their new palabras de frecuencia (y, es, mi).
In Math students continue to work on adding and subtracting on a number line. Next week we will learn about fact families.
In International studies, students have begun to explore Ecuador. Ask them what are the colors of the Ecuadorian Flag. They learned ecuador is the Spanish word for Equator.
In History/Geography, students learned how to read a compass (brujula) They learned where is norte, sur, oeste, and este. Next week we will continue to work on this while learning the English vocabulary.
In Science, students are learning about different properties. As scientist, they can observe the color and the size of an object. Next week we will briefly review these words in Spanish and learn about observing weight of an object.







Pre – K Class
This week has been a good week for your children. I’m going to show you what we did during this week.
In Language Arts Writing/Reading: Students keep reviewing the vowels A, E, I, O ,U, and the alphabet every morning. Now we are focused on the letters B, C ,CH, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, Ñ, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y y Z phonetically and practicing different symbols that will help them remember the letters. They are still practicing different kinds of strokes that will serve to write letters later. This week we were still focused in letter A, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically, we are discovering different words that begin with A, I and U, and also reviewing how to write letter I, and U uppercase and lowercase. We were practicing syllable separation with different words.
This week we read some interactive tales “The jungle book”, “Ali Baba y los 40 ladrones”, “Los antojos de Martina”, “La cerdita que no se duchaba”, “Blancanieves y los 7 enanitos” and “El príncipe y el mendigo”.
In Math: We practiced every day the counting numbers 0 to 10. We also count out loud until number 60. They are still practicing how to write the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. We were doing different activities in which they have to match the number with a quantity of objects. We were practicing different mazes, reviewing right and left, in front, behind, long and short. This week we learned the concept of half and from highest to lowest.
In Music: We were dancing and singing different Spanish songs: “Tengo una muñeca vestida de azul”, “Que llueva que llueva”, “Un globo, dos globos, tres globos”, “Tengo una vaca lechera” and “La macarena”.
In Physical Education, we were practicing different activities to improve their motor skills and their balance. We have practiced different kind of games with football balls and obstacles with the partner. We danced different songs in circle.
In Science, we were remembering the body parts, the most important organs, and how the respiratory system works.
In Geography/History, we reviewed the 7 continents. We were doing different kind of interactive maps where they had to guess the continent. We have begun to learn the solar system.
In Visual Art: we were doing different crafts related with Christmas: this week we made snowflakes and a Christmas tree.