Kindergarten Class
This week students reviewed letter sounds and sight words that have been already been taught to them. In Math we begun to solve word problems.
During break, I ask that students review sight words and continue to read daily.
We would like to wish you all a joyous and blessed holiday season and a prosperous New Year!






Koalas Class
We hope you have had a great week just as our Koalas did at school! During this week the students were filled with Christmas spirited were very excited to work on their projects. Koalas worked on their fine motor skills while they placed dots with q-tips and paint in pieces of paper to create lights. Students also had so much fun decorating ornaments and placing them in our Christmas tree in our class. The children practiced numbers from 1 to 6 while creating a mathematical Christmas tree, they also did a great job placing them in order from the largest to the smallest stick. Lastly students had their holiday’s celebration wearing their pajamas and created an ornament in the shape of a Christmas wreath.
Vocabulary of the week:
navidad (Christmas)
celebración (celebration)
ornamentos (ornaments)
árbol (tree)
verde (green)
rojo (red)
blanco (white)
nieve (snow)
felices fiestas (happy holidays)
feliz navidad (merry Christmas)
May your holiday season be all wrapped up with cheer and filled with celebration for the New Year.
Happy holidays,







Pre K Class
In Language Arts Writing/Reading: Students keep reviewing the vowels A, E, I, O ,U, and the alphabet every morning. We are focused on the letters B, C ,CH, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, Ñ, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y y Z phonetically and practicing different symbols that will help them remember the letters. They are still practicing different kinds of strokes that will serve to write letters later. This week we were still focused in letter E, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically, we were remembering different words that begin with E, A, I and U, and also reviewing how to write letter I, U and A uppercase and lowercase. We were still practicing syllable separation with different words. We were playing “Veo Veo”, so they were thinking in words that begin with A, E, I, O and U.
This week we read some interactive tales “La Navidad del muñeco de nieve”, “Los duendes y el zapatero”, “Un cuento de Navidad”, “La verdadera historia del árbol de Navidad”, and “La Navidad infinita”.
In Math: We practiced every day the counting numbers 0 to 10. We also count out loud until number 60. They are still practicing how to write the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. We were reviewing activities in which they have to match the number with a quantity of objects. We were doing different activities in where they have to find the other have of an object, a face, a shape… and link it. We have been learning how to read a simple graph.
In Music: We were dancing and singing different Christmas songs: “Hacía Belén va una burra”, “Papa Noel baja por la chimenea”, “Campana sobre campana”, and “Ya viene los Reyes Magos”.
In Physical Education, we were practicing different activities with balls to improve their balance, dancing in circle, running in pairs linked by the feet to improve their coordination.
In Science, we were remembering the solar system and its planets.
In Geography/History, we were reviewing the important places in New York City.
In Visual Art: we were doing different crafts related with Christmas: this week we made The three wise men, a Christmas photocall, and a Christmas tree.
We hope you have a wonderful Holidays!!







First Grade Class
Welcome to Week 15. I cannot believe that we have made it through the first half of the school year. To say I am proud of our first graders is an understatement. Lets dive into week 15. Enjoy!
In Math/EMAT, students expanded on their knowledge of “centimeters/cm” as they measured objects in their desks such as their workbook, pencils, markers, scissors etc.
Students have read four books during the first half of the 2020-2021 school year. This week, they chose their favorite of the four and completed a book report.
For Geography/History, students worked in groups of two on an interactive USA trivia game. This game helped them review information they have been acquiring about the United States of America.
For Visual Art, students created their own Christmas trees.






Ardillas Class
In Mathematics, this week we reviewed the numbers (0-5). They traced, quantified, identified and circled the numbers. Furthermore, the children reviewed shapes and traced: circles, squares, triangles, rectangles. pentagons, trapezoids, diamonds and parallelograms. They also reviewed terms like: encima (on top)/ debajo (undeneath), al lado (next to) and en medio (middle). Lastly, they matched same sized objects together.
In Reading and writing, this week the children took turns pretending to be Ms. Ariany and directed different parts of circle time. The children practiced writing their names. They also traced the vertical lines on the menorah’s candles, cruce (x/t) stokes with dreidels and inclined lines with images of Kwanzaa.
In Social Studies, our theme was Celebraciones multiculturales (Holidays). The children reviewed key concepts of major Holidays. The children decorated: a Christmas tree using forks, green paint, gems and a pom-pom star. Furthermore, the completed their David’s star, decorated Holiday totes with markers, made ornaments with the first letter of their names, decorated ornaments with a Christmas sticker, made jingle bell bracelets, decorated unity cups with gems, made Kwanzaa Kinara’s and used markers to color stockings.