Ardillas Class
In Reading and Writing, the children reviewed the previously learned strokes by completing them within: an Indian tipi, snow flakes falling, helping ice skaters glide, in between winter items and in a beach setting. This week the letter Uu was introduced. They traced the letter Uu and colored uvas (grapes). The children also placed stickers on words that contained Uu as: neumático /rueda/llanta(tire), uno (one), nube (cloud) and cuchara (spoon).
In Mathematics we have been rote counting and visually recognizing numbers up to 30. They continued identifying, quantifying and tracing the numbers 1-5. They also recognized various geometric shapes and traced triángulos (triangles), pentágonos (pentagons) and hexágonos (hexagons). Lastly, they identified and colored different sized elefantes (elephants) as: pequeño (small) rojo (red), mediano (medium) verde (green) and grande (big) azul (blue).
In Chess, we reviewed the peon (pawn) piece and decorated it using water colors.
In Social Studies, the theme was Invierno (Winter). The children glued cotton balls on a gorro de invierno (winter hat) and decorated a copo de nieve (snow flake).














Pre – K Class
In Language Arts Writing/Reading: Students keep reviewing the vowels A, E, I, O ,U, and the alphabet every morning. We are focused on the letters B, C ,CH, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, Ñ, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y y Z phonetically and practicing different symbols that will help them remember the letters. They are still practicing different kinds of strokes that will serve to write letters later. This week we were reviewing everything that we learned durin last semester, now we are going to be focused in letter O, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically, we were remembering different words that begin with E, A, I and U, and also reviewing how to write letter I, U, A and E uppercase and lowercase. We were still practicing syllable separation with different words. We were playing “Veo Veo”, so they were thinking in words that begin with A, E, I, O and U.
This week we read some interactive tales “The princess and the frog”, “Pocahontas”, “The golden touch”, and “Beauty and the beast”.
In Math: We practiced every day to put the numbers of the month in the correct order on the wall. We also count out loud until number 60. They are still practicing how to write the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. We were reviewing activities in which they have to match the number with a quantity of objects. We were doing different patterns, mazes and reviewing geometric shapes. We were learning the concepts of quantity, full and empty with different water containers.
In Music: We were reviewing the songs from last semester.
In Physical Education, we were practicing different obstacle courses. We were playing the “Blind chicken”, “The little worm” where the students are linked and the first one has to catch the last one. Also we played “Find your partner”, everybody has to get an animal card, there will be three pairs of animals, and they have to be blindfolded, the students have to make the noise of that animal and find their partner.
In Science, we were remembering the solar system and its planets.
In Geography/History, we were reviewing the important places in New York City.
In Visual Art: we made the Statue of Liberty with a roll of paper.
In Chess: we were practicing the movements of the pieces.
In Drama: we were cutting masks of the tale “Beauty and the Beast” and representing the different roles of the characters.







First Grade Class
Welcome to Week 16 and Happy New Year 2021. We hope you all had a wonderful winter break. It has been such a joy to return to school and I get the feeling our first graders are just as happy to be back. This week we reviewed old concepts learned during the first semester and truly enjoyed every moment together. Let’s dive into Week 16.
This week, students re-visited one of the books that they read during the first semester. Students reviewed story elements and focused on providing detailed descriptions on characters and settings for their respective books.
The students practiced their grammar by working hands on re arranging words in alphabetic order as well as creating sentences using sight words, nouns, adjectives and verbs.
This week, students finished their unit on ‘Earth and the Universe’ by completing their models of the solar system.





Koalas class
We hope you enjoyed the holidays and are having a great new year. We are excited to have the Koalas back in our school. During this week we have retaken the transportation theme and we were focused on air transport vehicles. The students enjoyed creating their very own hot air balloons, airplanes and helicopters while also reviewing shapes and colors. During their math activity koalas identified the numbers and matched them with their corresponding quantities.
Vocabulary of the week:
globo aerostático (hot air balloon)
avión (airplane)
helicóptero (helicopter)
volar/vuela (flight)
cielo (sky)
air (aire)
nubes (clouds)
Vocabulary review:
círculo (circle)
rectangulo (rectangle)
triángulo (triangle)
azúl (blue)
amarillo (yellow)
rojo (red)
verde (green)
anarajado/ naranja (orange)







Kindergarten Class
Happy New Year to all! Students were super excited to be back in the classroom. After a month of vacation, we used this week to go over class rules and routines. We also reviewed English and Spanish sight words. Next week we will start homework again.
In History and Geography, students are learning about American symbols i.e. bald eagle, white house, and American flag. In International Studies, we are learning about Colombia. Students were eager to learn that Shakira is Colombian. In Science, students learned how to observe and describe the texture of an object. Next week we will learn about temperature.
Next week in Math we will work on adding by using the “Make a 10” strategy. Our focus will be creating a new number sentence and understanding that 8+5=13 is the same as 10+3=13. Enjoy your child’s writing piece. They tried their best to write about what they did over winter break and how they felt.