Kindergarten Class
This week we had 3 English days and 2 Spanish Days. For Spanish and English days, we have been reviewing the alphabet with its letter sound.
In English we worked on writing uppercase and lowercase Ll. We worked on blending consonant- vowel-consonant letters to form cvc words. For example: lap, log, leg, lip, cat, bat, mop, rug
In Spanish we focused on writing lowercase l (cursive). Have them practice at home. We also worked on creating syllables with a,e,i,o,u vowels. For example: la, lelu, lela, lola,
They were also introduced to sight words and palabras de frecuencia. Have the them review these words during the weekend.
English Spanish
I yo
like me gusta
see ver
As a class and independently we used the smart board, classroom materials, white boards, and unfix cubes to recognize numerical value with quantity.
In Science we learned what is weather and weather words:
English Spanish
Sun Sol
Clouds Nubes
Rain Lluvía
Wind Viento
Snow Nieve
Temperature Temperatura
Next week in Science we will learn about the change of season.
In International Studies we learned about the 7 continents. For next week we’ll be learning about Africa and will be choosing an African country to explore.
In History/Geography we learned about different kinds of neighborhoods. Next week we will learn about different types of homes.
Vocabulary Words
Urban Urbano
Rural Rural
Suburban Suburbano
Next week the Letter of the Week will be the letter ‘Ss’. In math we will focus on learning how to write numbers 5-10 and recognize numerical value with quantity.
After reading this weekly, ask your child to tell you and/or show you about one or more things they have been learning!
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Pre-K Class
It has been a good week for your children, we had a lot of fun. We are going to show you what we did during this week.
In Language Arts Writing: Students review the vowels A, E, I, O ,U, and the alphabet every morning. They practiced different kinds of strokes that will serve to write letters later. We are still focused on the letter i, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically, also discovering different words that begin with that letter. We are reading different interactive tales.
In Math: We practiced every day the counting numbers 0 to 10. We also count out loud until number 20. They reviewed how to write the numbers 0, 1 and 2. We were doing different activities with different amount of things. We were recognizing different sizes as a big, medium or small. They were learning behind, in front, up, down and cardinal numbers, as first and second.
In Music: We were dancing and singing a Spanish song about Pinocchio. They were making a Pinocchio doll and we also were reading the tale.
In Physical Education, students worked on their motor skills, and balance. They were dancing different songs firstly with one leg, then with the other one, to the right, to the left, circling over themselves, jumping… They also started playing soccer, basketball and doing some stretching.
In Science, students worked on parts of the face. Through song and dance via “A little finger”. They were able to properly name each face part. They were making a face and glued the different parts on it. They also recognized different kinds of fruit, and why they are healthy. We were dancing a song with different kinds of fruits.
In Geography/History, students were reviewed the 7 continents. They were cutting the shape of each continent and putting in the right place on the map. We show them characteristics animals about each continent.
In Visual Art: we were doing different crafts: they were gluing small balls in a tree as if they were flowers. As we are practicing the face parts we were making a face, cutting the different parts and putting together. We were painting with acrylic paint trying to make a pineapple.
In International studies: They were learning about the typical Spanish dance, “Flamenco”, they were painting, dancing and watching a video about that.
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First Grade Class
Welcome to Week 2. I cannot believe it has been almost a month since your children have been in school. I have seen them transition into mathematicians, readers, scientists, artists and so much more. Considering the months we have all undergone, I am so proud that each of your children has such a joy and love of learning and let’s see how that was catered to during Week 2.
This week we began our ‘book series’. The first book in the series being “Caps for Sale”. Students used context clues and pictures for character description and for making predictions.
In International Studies, students learned that the capital of Mexico is Mexico City, They were also shocked to find out that Mexico is the largest Spanish speaking country. They colored these information cards.
Students enjoyed their first official gym class. Together we challenged ourselves through sit-ups, push-ups, squats, and multiple yoga poses. It was amazing to have the students choosing what movement they wanted to do next.
In Geography/History, students began to create their pamphlet on New York City with a focus on the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty.
For Ludiletras, students worked on identifying vowels in words as they strengthened their vocabulary. They also worked on the ‘la, le, li, lo, lu’ syllables.
After many class sessions working on their replica of a Kandinsky piece, students were able to go on a ‘museum walk’ and proudly share their art pieces. Their peers shared what they liked about their classmate’s works.
With a big sense of family and community within our classroom, our first graders made Isabela’s little sister Emma (from the Pre-K group) birthday cards. Isabela collected all of her classmate’s cards and was excited to give them to her sister after school. Our first graders are a very tight knit group.
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Koalas Class
This is the Koalas first full week. The Koalas are adapting very well to the routine in such a short time to their new normal. They began asking for “Ayuda” (help) and saying “Por favor y gracias” (please and thank you) when they want something.
We read “La llama Llama Rojo Pijama” (llama llama red pajama) by Anna Dewdney and acted out their favorite part of the story and learned that no matter if mommies and daddies go to work they always come back and love them very much! Koalas were introduced to the number “Uno” (one) as they started to get familiar with its name. Moreover, students worked very hard on their own art project this week which will be a great memory of their first day at Maryel!
We are off to a great start for the school year!
Vocabulary of the Week:
Buenos dias (good morning)
Ayuda (help)
Merienda (snack)
Mesa (table)
Silla (chair)
Por favor (please)
Gracias (thank you)
Next week students will be introduced to the autumn season and will be reviewing the number one.
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Ardillas Class
Our second week of school was great! This week we continue to work on our daily routines and habits. They are big kids sitting in circle time and mostly following directions to complete workbook pages and related fun activities.
In Mathematics this week we continue: quantifying, recognizing by circling the number 1 in a hay bale. Another concept they worked on was disparates (odd things). I demonstrated disparates (odd things) by placing my shoe on my hand as well as other odd places. Then the children colored the pez en el campo (fish in the field), zapatos en el árbol (the shoes on the tree), gorro y bufanda de Invierno (the Winter hat and scarf) on the cartoon figure. Lastly we recognizied círculos (circles). They colored them and traced a line inside the circle following t of the directionality arrow.
In Reading and writing, they continue practicing their letters and recognizing their name through games and associating it with a word that beings with it. They also traced over dotted levantado (vertical), dormido (horizontal) and tipi (inclined) lines to form a lápiz (pencil) and crayolas (crayons).
In Social Studies the theme was all about me and school. They colored an image with crayolas (crayons) and a mochila (backpack). In addition, they counted school supplies and matched it to the correct number. They also cut their favorite school supplies and glued them on a backpack. Furthermore they placed green, yellow or red stickers in the outline of an manzana (apple). Lastly, they used colored pencils to color different school supplies like: acuarela (water color), sacapunta (pencil sharpener), marcadores/ rotuladores (markers), tijeras (scissors), lapiz (pencil), regla (ruler) , pinceles (paint brushes).
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