Welcome to week 23

Ardillas Class

In Mathematics, they traced, identified and quantified numbers in multiple ways with: sun, moon, stars, rainbow and kite images. In addition, the children traced and identified the shapes we have learned about in class, focusing on: paralelogramo (parallelogram), octágono (octagon), rombo (rhombus), pentágono (pentagon) and trapecio (trapezoid) shapes . They also colored the item that no forma parte (did not belong) in each set, queso (cheese) and botella (bottle). Lastly, the children colored rojo (red) the cangrejos (crabs) cerca (close) to the sombrilla (umbrella) and amarillo (yellow) the cangrejos lejos (far) from the sombrilla.

In Reading and Writing, the children practiced levantado (vertical), dormido (horizontal), inclinado (inclined), tipi (combined inclined lines), ondulad (wave strokes) with stars, the sun and the moon. They also completed teacher directed drawings of a avión (plane). In addition they traced ondulado (wave) strokes under the sea, helping the caracol (snail) eat lechuga (letuce) and in the girls crazy hair. Lastly, they drew Uu image. Most drew uvas (grapes), universo (universe), uno (one) or unicornio (unicorn). Lastly, they identified and circled the letter u in words like: luna (moon), gusano (worm), burro (donkey), puerta (door), cuchara (spoon) and uno (one).

In Social Studies, our theme was Día/Noche (Day/Night). The children made a escena de noche con luna y estrellas (night scene with the moon and stars), noted the difference between day and night by placeing an arcoiris (rainbow)/ sol (sun) on the day side and luna (moon)/estrellas (stars) on the night side. They also played with linternas/focos (flashlights) in a dark room while pretending it was night time. Lastly, the children painted a yellow sun using a tenedor (fork).














Kindergarten Class

Students had an amazing time celebrating 100 days of school. In 100 days they have all flourished. Thank you for helping them with their projects. They were all great!

This week we had 2 English days and 3 Spanish days. Students practiced writing lowercase and uppercase ‘Xx’.

Students are working hard on editing sentences and making sure their sentences make sense. They have been taught to look for Capitalization, Organization, Punctuation, and Spelling (COPS).

In Math, students continue to learn about 3D-shapes (rectangular prism, cone, sphere, and cube). They had a lot of fun making 3D-shapes using spaghetti and marshmallows.

In Science, students continue to learn about the Solar System. They also learned that the sun is very important. Without out the sun we wouldn’t be able to live in Earth. Next week we will learn about the moon and its many phases.

In History and Geography, students learned about the states in the Northeast region (Noreste). Next week they will learn about the Southwest region.

In International Studies, students learned about Costa Rica’s wildlife. Next week we will learn about Venezuela.






Koalas Class

Koalas had another week filled with learning and fun activities. During this week our Koalas continued learning about animals, specifically about farm animals (animales de granja). The students worked with materials such as cotton to create their very own sheep. Students were also practicing how to spell their names by using eggs and made other animals such as cows, pigs and chicks for the koalas’ farm.

Vocabulary of the week:

rayas (stripes)
lunares (spots)
pequeño (small)
rápido (fast)
huevos (eggs)
granja (farm)
pollitos (chicks)
gallinas (hen)
cerdos (pigs)
ovejas (sheeps)
suave (soft)







First Grade Class

This week students celebrated 100 days of school. How exciting that moment was. To be able to celebrate making it 100 days in school safely and to have our students appreciate that they can come to school every day and be with their friends and learn while doing so. Week 23 was filled with a lot more fun and academically insightful things. Let’s dive in and find out what our first graders were up to.

This week students began writing their first book reports. This book report was for “Make Way for Ducklings”. Students wrote their introduction paragraph as well as their first body paragraph
As students get ready to wrap up their study of the USA and its regions, they worked together on learning and exploring the state of Connecticut. Students have become excellent word searchers during their study of the states in America.
To celebrate Chance’s 6th birthday, students participated in a very cool science experiment in class. They become little scientist as they created lava slime. Using glue, baking soda, food coloring, vinegar and saline solution, they were able to create a chemical reaction that allowed for their “lava” to “erupt”. Students had a blast. Thank you to Brad and Angela Evans for making this possible.
This week students continued learning about diversity, acceptance and self-confidence. We read a story called “Me Agrado a Mi Misma” where our character was talking about all the things she loves about herself. Our first graders then took time to write down and draw out things they like about themselves. It really is amazing to see them say good things about themselves and be proud to share what makes them proud of themselves.
On Wednesday, our first graders celebrated their 100th day in school. It really was a joyous event to celebrate due to the hardships that have come with the academic year because of the pandemic. Our first graders are some of the bravest and adaptable little people I have ever met; to come to school every day for the past 100 days with a smile on their face. It really is an honor to provide them with a safe and fun learning experience during these times. We should be very proud of them.
Students practiced longitude. They learned how to take steps to measure, how to use their palms to measure and learned about measuring tape and its similarities with a ruler. Students enjoyed using things from around the classroom to continue practicing their measurement skills.
Students were introduced to the artist Klimt. They used metallic colors to start recreating one of his art pieces.










Pre – K Class

This week has been a good week for your children. I’m going to show you what we did during this week.

In Language Arts Writing/Reading: Students keep reviewing the alphabet every morning. We are focused on all the letters phonetically, we were doing activities with disordered letters. This week we were still focused on all the vowels, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically, we were remembering different words that begin with them and also reviewing how to write them upper case and lower case. We were doing activities with different images where the vowels were missing and they had to write them. We were writing all our names, saying the letters with their symbols, also they were saying different words that we have in the class trying to spell out the entire word. They were doing letters symbols to their classmates and see if they knew it.

These weeks we read some interactive tales: “Ernesto el leon hambriento”, “Siete ratones ciegos”, “King Kong”, “Tino el cochino”, “Mi dia de suerte”, “La paloma y la hormiga” and “The hunchback of Notre Dame”.

In Math: We practiced every day to put the numbers of the month in the correct order on the wall, we did it messily. We also count out loud until number 60. We were counting backwards from 10 to 0. They are still practicing how to write the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. We were reviewing activities in which they have to write the number with a quantity of objects. We were doing simple additions. They had to find different objects in an image full of objects. They were finding the differences between two images.

In Music: We were singing “En la selva me encontre”, “Levantando las manos” and “Los pollitos dicen pio pio”.

In Physical Education, we were playing “Al escondite ingles”, we also played to catch the classmates and stay in a high place not to be caught. We were running and imitating different kind of dinosaurs. We were playing catching games with stick foams.

In Science, we started learning the plants.

In Geography/History, we learned about various cities of different continents.

In Visual Art: we were doing different crafts: we painted different dinosaurs, and we made a plant with pom pom balls .