Welcome to Week 27
First Grade Class
This week was quite a fun one. After all the hard work and dedication our brave first graders have shown by being so optimistic and dedicated in school despite the changes they’ve had to adjust to during this school year, this week with Spirit Week, we celebrate them & give them these days to celebrate their hard work and be proud to commemorate how such good sports they have been and what amazing spirits they have. Let’s dive into Week 27.
This week our first graders embarked on a lot of fun and learning. Our students finished proofreading their book report for “Make Way for Ducklings” and they look forward to writing the final draft of their book report before they begin their 6th and final book of the year for guided reading which will find them writing a book report independently. Students also practiced becoming spelling masters as they worked on contractions, vowels with R and took a spelling quiz using former list words from their Spelling workbook.
Our first graders were also introduced to circumference and its relationship to a circle as well as worked on creating fractions using clay. That really catered to their kinesthetic skills.
Students also re-created their favorite Google image of Central Park for Visual Art. Students recalled a time where they went to Central Park which made for great class activity to self-connections. & all the while doing the above mentioned, they did an amazing job enjoying Spirit Week to the fullest. What an exciting week this was.






Koalas Class
Koalas had another week filled with learning and fun activities. During this week the students were learning abut plants. The students took advantages of our backyard and took a close look at the growing plants using magnifying glasses. Then they recreated trees using some dry branches and real leaves. The children also started growing some beans. Koalas also worked on their classification skills and sorted pictures of different plants from other objects while reviewing some vocabulary. Moreover, students work sorting leaves in order according to their sizes and helped to decorate a spring tree for our class.
Vocabulary of the week:
primavera (spring)
árbol (tree)
hojas (leaves)
plantas (plants)
estación (season)
flores (flower)
lluvia (rain)
verde (green)
grande (big)
pequeño (small)
Thank you for participating on our spirit week the koalas had so much fun coming all dressed up to school.









Kindergarten Class
This week we had 2 English days and 3 Spanish days. Students practiced writing lowercase and uppercase ‘Ww’ in print and in cursive. They have also learned about magic e or silent e. If they see an ‘e’ at the end of the word the vowel says its name. Students were able to read the following words: make, take, Mike, ate, face, mice, nice, rode, rode,
In Math, students learned about pictographs and the difference between pictograph and a picture graph. A Pictograph has a key. Next week we will continue to review charts and graphs in Spanish.
In Science, students learned about the Muscular System. They learned that there are 3 different types of muscles (skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle) and that some muscles move voluntarily or involuntarily. You can ask them what muscles in our body are the strongest.
In History and Geography, students reviewed the 5 regions in the U.S. Next week they will learn about the past and present (i.e.: wood to cook-> stove)
In International Studies, students learned about volcanoes and created their paper accordions. Next week they will learn about Mexico’s geography and culture.








Ardillas Class
In Mathematics, the children traced and identified the shapes we have learned about in class; focusing on: triángulo (triangle), rectángulo (rectangle), corazón (heart) and estrella (star) shapes. The children also identified shapes inside huevos (eggs). Furthermore, the children traced, identified and quantified numbers in multiple ways with Easter images. Lastly, they drew a nube (cloud) al lado (next to) a plane and a pelota/ balón (ball) next to a perro (dog).
In Reading and Writing, the children traced tipi (combined incline) strokes on birthday hats and combined dormido (horizontal) and iglú (u/n) strokes to help the rana (frog) get to his hoja de lirio (lily pad). They also completed a teacher directed drawings of a astronauta (astronaut). Lastly, they traced A mayúscula (upper case) and a minúscula (lower case) as well as colored an avión (plane).
In Social Studies, our theme was Pascua (Easter). The children made conejos (bunnies) with pompoms and felt. They also made felt pollitos (chicks). In addition, they decorated adornos de madera (wooden ornaments) in the shape of zanahorias (carrots), conejos (bunnies) and pollitos (chicks). Furthermore the children used Wikki Stix to make a huevos (eggs). Lastly, the children decorated a huevo blando (squishy egg) with paint, markers and gems.













Pre – K Class
This Spirit Week has been a good week for your children, we had a lot of fun! I’m going to show you what we did during this week.
In Language Arts Writing/Reading: Students keep reviewing the alphabet every morning. We are focused on all the letters phonetically, we were doing activities with disordered letters. We were still focused on all the vowels, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically. This week we reviewed letter L, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically. We have been reviewing words that starts with letter L. We were reading and doing activities in where they have to find the syllable with which each word begins (la, le, li, lo lu). We were reading and writing vowel groups.
This week we read some interactive tales: “La bruja Encarnita”, “El paraguas amarillo”, “El zapato rojo” and “No quiero tener el cabello rizado”.
In Math: We practiced every day to put the numbers of the month in the correct order on the wall, we did it messily. We also count out loud until number 70. We were counting backwards from 10 to 0. They are still practicing how to write the numbers 0 to 9. We were doing simple additions counting objects. We have started doing simple subtractions. We were comparing measurements with cubes.
In Music: We were singing and dancing “El cocherito lere”, “Que llueva, que llueva”, “Tombola” and “En la calle 24”.
In Physical Education, we were doing different activities with balloons, pass it on to the partner, catch them, they had to throw the balloon and before it gets to the floor they had to put balls inside the cubes. We were doing races and playing different catch games. We were dancing and running inside the circles, and changing positions when the music is off.
In Science, we started to learn insects and their characteristics.
In Geography/History, we reviewed about the different places and public buildings in a city and doing interactive games about it.
In Visual Art: we were doing different crafts: a binoculars, a butterfly with pipe cleaners.