Welcome to week 32
Ardillas Class
In Mathematics, they traced, identified and quantified numbers in multiple ways with domestic animal/ farm animal theme. In addition they placed a sticker of the character jumping rope to make the scene on the right the same as the scene on the left. In addition, the children counted using ordinal numbers. They colored the segundo (second) loro (parrot) amarillo (yellow) and the tercera (third) rana (frog) verde (green). Lastly, the children learned about 3D shapes, specifically the cubo (cube). They identified the cubes on the page and colored them morado/púrpura (purple).
In Reading and Writing, the children practiced levantado (vertical), dormido (horizontal), inclinado (inclined), tipi (combined inclined lines), ondulado (wave strokes) with domestic animal/ farm animal theme. In addition, they used used inclinado strokes to help the granjero (farmer) feed the animales (animals). They also use iglú (n/u strokes) to help the ardilla (squirrel) get to the avellanas/ bellotas (acrons). Furthermore, the children traced the lower case letter u. Lastly, they completed a teacher directed drawing of a caracol (snail).
In Social Studies, our theme was Animales Domésticos/ Animales de Granja (Domestic Animals/ Farm Animals). The children made ovejas(sheep), cerdos/puercos (pigs), cara de caballo (horse face), cara de gato (cat face), títere de perro (dog puppet) and they finished their libelúlas (dragonflies).
Pre – K Class
This week has been a good week for your children, I’m going to show you what we did during this week.
In Language Arts Writing/Reading: Students keep reviewing the alphabet every morning. This week we reviewed letter L, S, M, and we learned letter P uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically. We were reading and doing activities in where they have to find the syllable with which each word begins (la, le, li, lo, lu, sa, se, si, so, su, ma, me mi, mo, mu, pa, pe, pi, po and pu.) We were reading different words and writing vowel groups. We were reviewing different things that start with those letters.
This week we read some interactive tales: “Secreto de familia”, “No quiero estar en silencio”, “Buenas noches construcción” and “Hercules”.
In Math: We practiced every day to put the numbers of the month in the correct order on the wall. We also count out loud until number 70, we were counting by 10s. We are still practicing simple additions and subtractions. We were doing comparissons, looking for differences, symmetries, and reviewing geometric shapes.
In Music: We were singing and dancing “La familia dedo”, “Subete al tren de la alegria”, “Soy una serpiente” and “El bugui de la selva”.
In Physical Education, We played football, different kind of races, we were playing to make a worm and try not to separate from the group while we are dancing. We were doing a “snow fight” with the foam balls, obstacles, trying to arrive from one ship to another one.
In Science,we learned about living and nonliving things.
In Geography/History, we learned the parts of the house and household objects.
In Visual Art: we were doing different crafts: we made opera puppets, different characters from stories and flowers from San Isidro.
In International Studies: we learned about the important holiday in Madrid, “San Isidro”,about the typical dance, chulapos and chulapas.
Kindergarten Class
This week we had 3 English days and 2 Spanish days. Students practiced writing lowercase and uppercase ‘Uu’ in print and in cursive. They learned that the letter ‘Uu’ makes a long sound when there is a magic ‘e’ at the end of the word or when ‘ew’ ‘eu’ or ‘ue’ are written together. They practiced reading words like music, cube, mute, fume, rescue, few, new, unicorn.
In Math, students practice subtracting two digit numbers using number bonds. Next week they will work on subtracting two digit numbers using “Take from Ten” Strategy. In Spanish we will continue to learn how to tell time (la hora en punto y media)
In Science, students learned how the cardiovascular system delivers nutrient through out the body and how the heart organ looks nothing like the shape heart. Next week will finish talking about the body and hope to use the remaining days to talk about animals and their habitats.
In History and Geography, students enjoyed learning about the past. They are amazed as to how hard life long ago really was. Next week they will learn about Memorial Day.
In International Studies, students learned that the largest country in South America is Brazil. The Amazon is the world’s largest rain forest. Everyone loved seeing and learning about the pink dolphin. Next week we will talk about Carnaval and Samba.
First Grade Class
Welcome to Week 32 which believe it or not also means we have been in school for about 8 months. I say this every week but I really am proud of how far our first graders have come and as the school year approaches its end, it is bittersweet but more sweet than bitter considering how tight-knit we have become as Maryel’s first grade community. Let’s take a look at the fun and learning that took place this week.
This week our first graders were introduced briefly to the three branches of government (las tres ramas del gobierno). After learning a little bit about the three branches of government, students created their own classroom constitution where they shared their rules (reglas), their deberes (obligations) and their rights (derechos) as students.
Our first graders also finished their study on carry over addition/subtraction and began explore length and width as it pertains to centimeters and meters. Our first graders also explored Brazil and some Brazilian customs and traditions. They then used their iPads to replicate the Brazilian flag. It was nice to have them explore art through technology this week.
Our first graders also greatly enjoyed their reading time this week. As they continue working on their “Miss Rumphius” book report, we took time to have students read independently and then read in pairs exploring literature and having discussions amongst each other about the books they chose to read during their reading block. Sometimes it is so genuinely informative to read books and share your takeaway with peers. Our first graders enjoy doing this; makes them stronger teammates and learners.
Koalas Class
Koalas had another week filled with learning and fun activities. During this week the students were introduced to the weather; sunny and rainy (soleado y lluvioso). Koalas worked on activities that were focused on clothes and items that are used according to the weather and they identified in which type of weather would be best to use them. They also created their own sun and had fun with fluffy paint while recreating a sunny sky.
Vocabulary of the week:
sol (sun)
nube (cloud)
calor (hot)
frio (cold)
soleado (sunny)
lluvioso (rainy)
gafas de sol (sunglasses)
pantalones cortos (shorts)
gorras (caps)
sombreros (hats)
trajes de baño (swimsuit)
sandalias (sandals)
chanclas/ chancletas (flip flops)