In circle time this week, we were very excited to say ‘Bienvenido Octubre’ (Welcome Autumn)!! We read a new little poem about the new month that says: ‘En octubre de hoja el campo se cubre’ (In Autumn the land is covered with leaves). Our friend Ardilla Pilla brought us new elements of the fall in her magic box. We love the fall colors, ‘Amarillo, rojo y marrón’ (yellow, red and brown)!
In math class this week we continued working on the concepts ‘dentro y fuera’ (inside and outside), ‘el círculo’ (the circle) and ‘número uno’ (number one). We worked with geometrical figures and on our magical wall, we magically stuck the figures! We related the number with the quantity from numbers 0 to 5. We also listened to the sound of stones while closing our eyes and announced the number of stones we heard. We loved it!
In language arts, we worked on ‘Dormido’ and ‘inclinado’ which is (tracing horizontal and vertical lines). We made a mural out of wooden sticks that symbolized those lines. We also decorated our initials and sounded them out loud in Spanish.
In ‘All About Me’ we were doctors and traced the silhouette of our bodies. We made a girl that they named Sofia. Sofía was at the doctor and we learned about new parts of our body with her by placing band aids on the spots that she said she needed to feel better. All of the children were very caring. The new words that you can work on at home with theme about our body are: ‘Hombro, codo, rodilla, tobillo’ (Shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle).
After Sofia’s trip to the doctor’s office, Ardilla Pilla taught us how to blow our noses and the kids did a great job with their tissues!
We also made a new Autumn tree for our door class and try out our chess!
This week we introduced more parts of the face: ears, mouth and hair. We taught the children about the body through different activities. The students learned about eye and hair color with the mirror, and they played “What do you see?” “What color are your eyes?”, and “What color is your hair?” Another activity to learn the parts of the face was “The Big Mouth”. We cut a big cardboard box out in the shape of a mouth and the students threw bean bags with photos of food to feed it. Inside different water bottle we put objects, then moved the water bottle and listened sounds to talk about hair.
Our students are engaged with textures, and for this reason we promote many activities regarding texture. This week we played chefs and made vanilla pudding. They mixed the ingredients and afterwards ate the “cakes” they made. Another activity we did was make a “Cara de Galleta” “ Cookie face”. Each student decorated a cracker with two raisins for the eyes and mouth, and cheese for hair. What a delicious face!
This week we learned the parts of our cara (face). Each child had a turn to complete the missing face on the board and we had a chance to meet Mr. potato head and helped put his face together! We also played a game of Veo, Veo en el espejo and counted how many eyes, ears, noses and mouths we have as well as the color of or hair while reading the book I Love my Hair by Anne Matheson.
We had so much fun being chefs in a mini-cooking class. This week we made Pudding de vainilla (vanilla pudding) to explore the color with our OJOS, the smell with our NARÍCES and taste with our BOCA (mouth). We splattered some on paper and after, we all received a sweet treat and tasted the pudding, yum yum, yum!
We also made our own version of a face using galletas (crackers), queso (cheese) and pasas (raisins). The best part of it was that we were able to eat it too!!!
Since this Monday is Columbus Day, we would like to encourage you to talk to your child about all we have learned about Christopher Columbus and the discovery of the Americas. We have learned so much!
We are starting our weekly “Show and Tell” with the children. Every Friday afternoon from now on, we will put aside time for the children to share with the class something special to them.
Language Arts – Visual Arts – Music
– Writing the vocabulary related with the letter ‘l.’
– Reading words with the ‘l’ letter.
– Identifying, reading, and writing three different sight words: the, I, like.
– Practicing letter-sound correspondence for letters m, n, o, p, q, r, s, and t.