First Grade Class

Welcome to Week 5. Every week that passes by, our first graders learn so much and have so much fun doing so. Let’s dive into Week 5.

In Geography, students researched information on their favorite place in New York City. Using their iPads, they did research on Central Park, the Empire State Building and The Statue of Liberty in Spanish.

This week, students wrote a book summary via graphic organizers on the two books we have read during guided reading “Caps for Sale” and “Stone Soup”.

In Math/EMAT, students used dice which are excellent math manipulatives to compare numbers (greater than, less than, equal to).

Students were formally introduced to their spelling text for the school year. Together we practiced a skill to help with memorizing the spelling of a word. First students say the word, look at the word and say the letters. Secondly, they write the word with their fingers. Thirdly, they close their eyes and think of the word. Fourth, the word was covered and students wrote it. Lastly, they checked the spelling. Students had a lot of fun with this activity.




Koalas Class

Koalas are learning more everyday!

During this week, the koalas were introduced to one of the five senses each day; “vista, oido, olfato, gusto y tacto” (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch). Koalas used different parts of their bodies to explore their five senses in the following activities;

For the sense of sight, the students sorted triangles, squares and circles in a matching game.

For the sense of hearing, they were introduced to a variety of instruments and their sounds. Following this, they identified if their sounds were similar or different.

For the sense of smell, the children created their own smelly paint using kool-aid and water. They loved the smell of their special paint and had fun mixing and using it to paint some of their activities.

For the sense of taste, with their eyes closed, Koalas tried to guess what was the food they tasted and identified their corresponding pictures.

For the sense of touch, with their eyes closed students attempted to identify some of the items that were in the mystery box by feeling their shape and texture.

Vocabulary of the Week:

ojos (eyes)
nariz (nose)
boca (mouth)
orejas (ears)
manos (hands)
veo (I see)
calor (hot)
frio (cold)

Next week, students will be reviewing the five senses.





Pre – K Class

It has been a good week for your children, we had a lot of fun. We are going to show you what we did during this week.

In Language Arts Writing/Reading: Students keep reviewing the vowels A, E, I, O ,U, and the alphabet every morning. Now we are focused on the letters B,C,CH, D, F, G, H, J, K and L phonetically. They still practiced different kinds of strokes that will serve to write letters later. This one is going to be our last week focused on the letter i, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically, also discovering different words that begin with that letter. We are reading different interactive tales. This week we read “Hamelin’s flutist”, “The cat with boots” and “Jack and the beanstalk”.

In Math: We practiced every day the counting numbers 0 to 10. We also count out loud until number 30. They are still practicing how to write the numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3. We were doing different activities with different amount of things and shapes. We were recognizing different sizes as tall, and short, we are still practicing big, medium or small, also open and close. They are still learning behind, in front, up, down and they learned wide and narrow. We are still working on cardinal numbers, as first, second and third and we began to identify different kind of objects that belong to the same group.

In Music: We were dancing and singing different Spanish songs “La bamba”, “El baile de las manos” y “la mane”.

In Physical Education, students acquired control of space and movements. They were playing different games with foam balls and cones. We were practicing marksmanship. We played the scarf game, two different teams, each student had a number then we said the number they had to run and tried to catch the scarf.

In Science, we were studying different kinds of aquatic animals and their characteristics. We started to see wild animals.

In Geography/History, students were reviewed the 7 continents. We were reviewing Africa, North America and now we are focused on South America, its different kind of animals and characteristics.

In Visual Art: we were doing different crafts: this week we made Spanish castanets (castanulas), we made a giant octopus for the class, and we made a peacock.

In International studies: we were making a typical Spanish instrument, how to play it and reviewing how to dance flamenco.






Kindergarten Class

This week we had 2 English days and 3 Spanish Days. For Spanish and English days, we continue to review English and Spanish letter sounds. In English students have been practicing how to read cvc words(mop, mat, map, met, mad, Max). In Spanish they have been practicing reading 2 syllable word (mi, mama, mimo, Ema, Memo).

In English we worked on writing uppercase and lowercase ‘Mm’. In Spanish we focused on writing lowercase ‘m’(cursive).

In Math students continue to learn about numbers in word form. Students also learned about number bonds. We will continue to work on understanding number bonds as two parts make a whole number.

In Science we learned how the sun affects the Earth. Next week we will learn about severe weather.

In International Studies we learned some fun facts about Egypt and students were able to create their own paper pyramid.

In History/Geography, students learned about different jobs in a community. They will continue to learn about other jobs in the community.

Next week the Letter of the Week will be the letter ‘Tt’. In math we will continue to work on number bonds and addition problems.







Ardillas Class

In Mathematics this week we continue identifying on the number 1-4. They counted and circled the correct number of items. Furthermore, they practiced opening/unscrewing containers and following the teacher to place the correct amount of items adentro (inside) the container. They also matched shape monsters together: cuadrados (squares) and círculos (circles). In addition they heard the story of Oso en un Cuadrado (Bear in a Square). they identified the object that no pertenece (did not belong) in the set of objects (toothbrush). Lastly, they colored the cats that were encima (on top) of the roof.

In Reading and writing, they continue identifying and writing their names. They also identify the letters within their names and its sound. In addition they have been practicing combining dormido (horizontal) and levantado (vertical) strokes to make sentado (L shape) and ventana (window/square) strokes. They traced a staircase, windows on a truck and windows on a house. Lastly, they traced the capital letters A-F.

In science they used their 5 senses in different ways. We read Mis cinco sentidos by Aliki. They made a tambourine and listened to the sounds it made. They used their sense of touch with the sticky playdough and made a touching hand with: smooth, rough, hard, bumpy and soft items on it. Furthermore, they used their sense of smell and matched the number to the picture of the item they smelled. Lastly, they smelled and painted levantado strokes with Koolaid (smelled sweet and fruity).