Ardillas Class
Today we sang Happy Birthday to Ms. Celine, our Head of School and gave her the birthday pages the kids colored for her in a book.
In Mathematics this week we continue are working on the number 1 and 2. They traced and quantified it. They matched shape monsters together: squares and circles. In addition they heard the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, also helped match the large items to poppa bear. Furthermore, they circled the object that did not belong in the group. Lastly, they continue practicing patterns with colored cars cars and characters.
In Reading and writing, they have been practicing combining dormido (horizontal) and levantado (vertical) strokes to make sentado (L shape), ventana (window/square) and cruce (t,x shape) strokes. They traced a staircase, windows on a truck, windows on a house and matched images (treasure maps, treasure chests, strawberries, pears, blackberries and cherries).
In Social Studies, they learned about their families. They made a house for their family photo, decorated the F for family with cartoon representations of them, also added stickers to the T de tio/tio (uncle/aunt) We also celebrated Hispanic Heritage month, focusing on Spain. We sang El Auto Viejo de Papa and waved Spaniard flags.
In Chess the Torre (tower) piece was our focus. They pointed to it on the chess board and made towers with Legos.











Kindergarten Class
This week we had 2 English days and 3 Spanish Days. In English students have been practicing how to read cvc words (nap, nip, not, net, nut,). In Spanish they have been practicing how to read 2 syllable word (nene, nido, nube, nada, negro)
In English we worked on writing uppercase and lowercase ‘Nn’. In Spanish we focused on writing lowercase ‘n’(cursive).
In Math students worked on filling out the missing part of a number bond using unifix cubes. In Spanish they learn about different types of geometric shapes and patterns.
In Science we learned how weather can affect our daily lives. Next week we will review severe weather in Spanish.
In International Studies we continue to explore Ancient Egypt. Student are very fascinated with this early civilization. They learned how bodies were mummified. They also learned about King Tut. Next week we will learn about Japan.
In History/Geography, students learned about what the word want(deseos) and need(necesidades) means. Ask them what are the 5 main things they would need to survive.
Next week the Letter of the Week will be the letter ‘Dd’. In math we will continue to work finding the missing part of a number bond and solve simple subtraction problems.








First Grade Class
Welcome to Week 7. As you know, we did not have a weekly last week due to the holiday. That means that in this week’s weekly you will be able to see some of the things our children have been learning the past week in a half. It has been a lot and students have been enjoying every minute of it. Let’s dive in.
During the past week in a half, our first graders have been able to use a calculator to verify their sums and differences. Our first graders also began their study on money; they traced each coin and labeled it for accurate naming. Our first graders also used dice to create their own addition and subtraction sentences.
Each of our first graders was able to share their Henri Matisse collages. Peer to peer, they gave feedback and shared their favorite color scheme and pattern from their classmate’s artwork.
Our first graders began their transition of studying New York to studying the United States. They learned to identify states in the Northwestern region of the United States on the map. Students also shared their prior knowledge on other states in our country and labeled those on the map as well.
As our first graders finish up their unit on Earth and the Universe, they began creating their own Earth models using clay. They began by creating the Earth’s interior (crust, mantle, inner and outer core). They are very excited to see the finished product.
Our first graders also began their study on Puerto Rico learning about El Coqui, La Flor Maga and Tito Puentes as part of their International Studies class. In their Language Arts courses, they continued practicing their short vowels, spelling, punctuation and proof-reading skills.




Koalas Class
We have had another fulfilling and enriching week consisting of fun and learning.
During this week, the koalas reviewed the five senses; vista, oido, olfato, gusto y tacto” (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) while performing different activities.
Students created their own books with pictures of their 5 senses and sorted pictures of objects with their corresponding senses. Koalas also created their own tambourines by choosing their favorite color and dry pasta to imitate their sounds. Moreover the children were introduced to triangles and to the first letter of their names and worked their fine motor skills by cutting and ripping off pieces of construction paper.
Vocabulary of the Week:
suave (soft)
rugoso (rough)
pegajoso (sticky)
liso (smooth)
duro (hard)
triangulo (triangle)
pandero (tambourine)








Pre – K class
It has been a good week and a half for your children, we had a lot of fun. We are going to show you what we did during this week and also last week.
In Language Arts Writing/Reading: Students keep reviewing the vowels A, E, I, O ,U, and the alphabet every morning. Now we are focused on the letters B, C ,CH, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N phonetically and practicing different symbols that will help them remember the letters. They still practiced different kinds of strokes that will serve to write letters later. Now we are focused on letter U, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically, we are discovering different words that begin with that letter, and also reviewing how to write letter i, uppercase and lowercas. We are reading different interactive tales. This weeks we read “The crocodile who didn’t like water”, “The brave tin soldier”, Thumbelina”, “Sleeping beauty” “The valiant little tailor” and “The ugly Duckling”.
In Math: We practiced every day the counting numbers 0 to 10. We also count out loud until number 30. They are practicing how to write the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. We were doing different activities in which they have to count different numbers of things and relate the number to the quantity. We were recognizing different sizes as tall, and short, we are still practicing big, medium or small, also open and close. They are still learning behind, in front, up, down, in the middle and they learned wide and narrow. We are still working on cardinal numbers, as first, second, third and fourth. They learned right and left and we are practicing diffent color patterns.
In Music: We were dancing and singing different Spanish songs, these weeks: “Chumbala”, “La gallina Turuleca”, “A mi burro le duele la cabeza” and “La rana cantaba debajo del agua”.
In Physical Education, we were practicing soccer, scoring goals, moving the ball with our feet form one side to the other. We have practiced different kind of games in one of them they have to reach their teammates with a foam ball and catch them, or they had to catch as many balls as possible while I was protecting the balls. We also practiced aerobic exercises to improve the functioning of the muscles.
In Science, we were studying different kinds of wild animals, reptils, insects and their characteristics.
In Geography/History, students were reviewed the 7 continents. We were reviewing Africa, North America, South America, we learned Asia and Oceania/Australia its different kind of animals and characteristics.
In Visual Art: we were doing different crafts: these weeks we made, a panda bear, a crocodile, a soldier and a ballerina, and we were decorating the class for Halloween, making pumkins, spiders, and ghosts.
In International studies: As this is the Hispanic Heritage month, students heard the story of the discovery of America and made the drawing of 3 different ships, where Christopher Columbus traveled.
In chess: Students learned the board, the different pieces, and where to place them. We also learned the movements of pawn, the tower and the bishop.