Koalas Class
This week they continued working on their fine motor skills while performing different activities such as using black paint to create their own bats. Koalas also matched the template of a triangle using popsicle sticks. During this week, students were also introduced to the number “4” and to the theme “Family”. Moreover, the children had a lot of fun today while creating their own rainbows using coffee filters, washable markers and water.
Vocabulary of the Week:
mama (mom)
papa (dad)
papi (daddy)
mami (mommy)
hermana (sister)
hermano (brother)
bebe (baby)
cuatro (four)
murcielago (bat)
triangulo (triangle)
arcoiris (rainbow)
Pre-K Class
It has been a good week for your children, we had a lot of fun. We are going to show you what we did during this week.
In Language Arts Writing/Reading: Students keep reviewing the vowels A, E, I, O ,U, and the alphabet every morning. Now we are focused on the letters B, C ,CH, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, Ñ, P, Q, R and S phonetically and practicing different symbols that will help them remember the letters. They are still practicing different kinds of strokes that will serve to write letters later. We are practicing every week how to write their names. We are still focused on letter U, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically, we are discovering different words that begin with that letter, and also reviewing how to write letter i, uppercase and lowercase. We are reading different interactive tales. This week we read two interactive tales “La ratita presumida”, “El hombre de gengibre” and more books that we read in class.
In Math: We practiced every day the counting numbers 0 to 10. We also count out loud until number 40. They are still practicing how to write the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. We were doing different activities in which they have to match the number with a quantity of objects. We were recognizing different objects that doesn’t below to a group of things. We are still working on cardinal numbers, as first, second, third, fourth and fifth. We were practicing different patterns with diferent shapes.
In Music: We were dancing and singing different Spanish songs, this week: “Al pasar la barca”, “Mi barba tiene 3 pelos”, “El barquito chiquitito” and “El mono pícaro”.
In Physical Education, we were practicing different balance activities, with different obstacles trails. We have practiced different kind of games of running and catching the partner.
In Science, we were remembering the body parts, the face parts and practicing the most important organs.
In Geography/History, we reviewed the 7 continents. We were reviewing Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Oceania/Australia, Europe and Antarctica its different kind of animals and characteristics. We were cutting out the different continents and gluing them on the map.
In Visual Art: we were doing different crafts: this week we made a llama, and a jellyfish. We were doing different forms with the colored wires.
In chess: We reviewed the board, the pieces and their movements.
First Grade Class
Welcome to Week 9. This was one of our shorter weeks in the classroom but it was filled with so much fun and learning. Our first graders continued exploring as readers, writers, scientists, mathematicians and enthused learners. Let’s dive into week 9.
In EMAT, students continued working on their addition and subtraction skills using math manipulatives to create a mix of both addition and subtraction sentences.
In Geography/History, students used their prior knowledge of past lessons on the USA to match certain monuments/US symbols to their respective pictures. Students also learned about Idaho and Montana; two additional states in the Northwestern region of the country.
Students began their solar system project. Students put together the planets Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Neptune with clay.
Students used leaves from the school’s patio to work on a Fall-themed art piece. They used Fall colors such as red, orange, yellow and brown and created many different types of patterns using the materials at hand.
Students also worked on 3D shapes as it pertains to identifying them within the classroom and classifying them within groups in their textbooks.
Students also continued working on their cursive writing skills while also working on syllables and word order in Spanish sentences.
Ardillas Class
In Mathematics, this week we continued to learn about the numbers 1-5. They identified and circled, traced the numbers 1, 2 and answered simple oral addition by counting on their fingers. Furthermore, they remembered the terms encima/debajo by sitting on top or under the table. They also colored the character that was debajo (under) the tobogan (slide). In addition, they traced the outside of a square block and traced the outline of squares following the directionality of the arrow. Lastly they drew many manzanas (apples) in a tree.
In Reading and writing, the children continue learning about the vowel i. They traced the vowel, recognized the sound in the beginning or within it, and identified it visually in words like pimiento (pepper), gallina (hen) and pirata (pirate). Furthermore they completed the arco strokes to complete the planetas (planets). Lastly they attempted to complete the teacher guided drawing of a oso (bear).
In Social Studies, we continued with the theme Halloween, the children placed sticker faces on a foam calabaza (pumpkin), made an araña (spider), a fantasma (ghost) and used watercolors on images of calaveras (skeletons).
Kindergarten Class
This week we had 2 English days and 2 Spanish Days.
In English and Spanish we focused on writing uppercase and lowercase ‘Bb’ on the smartboard, whiteboards, and workbooks.
In Math we made up number stories and learned the difference between an addition number sentence and a subtraction number sentence. They also learned how draw and describe a rectangle and oval.
In International Studies we continue to learn about Japan.
In History/Geography we learned about positional words and why would we need them. We also held our mock elections. Asked them who received the most votes Rabbit or Duck.
Positional Words
lejos- far
derecha- right
izquierda- left
debajo – under
sobre- over
detras- behind
frente- front
In Science, we reviewed weather and climate. Next week we will learn what is a solid, liquid, and a gas.