Welcome to weeks 28 and 29
Koalas Class
Koalas had another week filled with learning and fun activities. During this week the students started learning about the parts of plants by putting together a puzzle of a flower. Our koalas also worked on special projects for Earth day in which they worked their cutting skills while making a sun catcher, they also had a lot of fun while painting chick peas to create little Earth planets for a sensory activity and use a ballon to mix green and blue paint to recreate our planet Earth.
Vocabulary of the week:
primavera (spring)
planta (plant)
flor (flower)
hojas (leaves)
tallo (stem)
raíz (root)
planeta (planet)
Tierra (Earth)
espacio (space)
verde (green)
azul (blue)
Pre – K Class
This week has been a good week for your children. We are going to show you what we did during this week.
In Language Arts Writing/Reading: Students keep reviewing the alphabet every morning. We were still focused on all the vowels, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically. We learned female and male articles. This week we reviewed letter L, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically. We have been reviewing words that starts with letter L. We were reading and doing activities in where they have to find the syllable with which each word begins (la, le, li, lo lu). We were reading and writing vowel groups. Next week we will start with letter S.
This week we read some interactive tales: “Olivia la espía”, “Los cuatro cerditos”, “La pequeña llama”, “El misterio de las gallinas”, “Un museo en el jardín” and “Aventura en el mar”.
In Math: We practiced every day to put the numbers of the month in the correct order on the wall, we did it messily and with the even numbers. We also count out loud until number 70. They are still practicing how to write the numbers 0 to 10. We were doing simple additions and subtractions. We were comparing measurements with cubes. We were doing graphics and finding hiding objects in an image.
In Music: We were singing and dancing “Quien robó pan el casa de San Juan”, “Viajar en tren”, “Chica yeye” and “Ila Ila Ila rie”.
In Physical Education, we were doing some activities with balls and cones, with the partner they had to pass the ball back to back to the right, to the left, above and below, we were also practicing football. They had to break down all the cones with the balls. We were doing circuits around the gym jumping obstacles.
In Science, we reviewed the insects and their characteristics.
In Geography/History, we were learning about the prehistory and its characteristics.
In International Studies: We learned about an important festival in the south of Spain celebrated on April, “Feria de Abril”.
In Visual Art: we were doing different crafts: a flamenca dancer, a grasshopper and a markbook .
Kindergarten Class
This week we had 3 English days and 2 Spanish days. Students practiced writing lowercase and uppercase ‘Aa’ in print and in cursive. They continue to learn about magic e also known as silent e. They practiced reading words where the letter ‘a’ makes a long sound (make, rake, fate, late) and a short sound (cat, bat, nap).
In Math, students reviewed charts and graphs in Spanish. In English, students learned about tens and one’s place value. Next week, students will review how to add within 10 using number bonds by using the “Make a Ten Strategy”. In Spanish they will review place values (unidades y decenas).
In Science, students learned about the Skeletal System (el sistema oseo). They learn how muscles and bones work together. They learned that bones help protect our organs and that the largest bone in our body is the femur.
In History and Geography, students learned what the word past, present, and future means. They had a fun time looking at pictures and trying to figure out if the pictures were from the past or present.
In International Studies, students learn about Mexico’s geography. They enjoyed learning about the different types of cuisines (tacos, churros, elotes, tostadas, enchiladas). Next week they will learn about Mexico’s music and traditions.
Ardillas Class
In Mathematics, they traced, identified and quantified numbers in multiple ways with Planet Earth theme. In addition, the children traced, colored and identified the shapes we have learned about in class using this week’s theme as well. They also observed, compared similar items and colored the different one in the set of items. In addition, they cut and glued a beach scene in order from beginning, middle to the end. Furthermore, the children identified open and closed shapes. Then colored the figura abierta (open shape) red and the figura cerrada (closed shape) blue. They also identified the medio (middle) person/item in a set of friends and items. Lastly, the children identified the más alto/ más bajito (taller or shorter) person/ building/ tower.
In Reading and Writing, the children practiced levantado (vertical), dormido (horizontal), inclinado (inclined), tipi (combined inclined lines), ondulado (wave strokes) with Planet Earth/Recycling theme. They also used bucle (loop d’ loop) strokes to complete the ovejas (sheep’s) fur, help the tortuga (turtle) delfines (dolphins) swim, the avión (plane) and helicóptero (helicopter) fly high and the abeja (bee)- mariposa (butterfly) get to the flowers. In addition, the children practiced tipi strokes helping mama gallina (hen) get to her pollitos (chicks). They also identified and colored a in the burbujas (bubbles) and fuego (fire). Furthermore, the children danced with abanicos (fans) and colored the images that contained the Aa sound in it like: pera (pear), carro/coche/vehículo (car), estrella (star), manzana (apple) and oveja (sheep). Lastly, they completed teacher directed drawings of conejo (bunny) and a rana (frog).
In Social Studies, our theme was Earth/Recycling and plant needs. The children circled the four basic plant needs aire (air), agua (water), tierra (dirt) and sol (sun). The also looked for foam flowers and leaves under blue or green sand. They also placed foam flower stickers on the F de Flor (flower) and plastic bottles to make flower prints. In addition, the children saw the effects of water with small Orbis circles and played with it. Furthermore, the children made planet Earth in a few ways: with their palm print and as a puppet. The children also cut and glued planet Earth images on the T de Tierra. Lastly they cut or used watercolors on images of planet Earth.
First Grade Class
Week 28 also represents our 7th month in school; in person. It has been such a blessing to be able to see your children day in and day out especially this academic school year. They bond with each other, with me and as a class community we grow. Let’s dive into Week 28 and see what our first graders were up to.
This week our first graders learned about the countries of Chile and Panama. They were able to explore the continents in which each country is in as well as compare and contrast both.
Our students also worked on re strengthening their mental math skills. It has been so nice to see our students working independently and building self-confidence with each passing day.
In first grade this week, we also learned about George Washington and worked on completing a timeline of his life. It was fun to discover our first graders knew some facts about him already.
Our first graders were also introduced to carry over addition. It was nice to gather as a group in our carpet and use one another and our white boards and prior knowledge to get familiar with a new math skill.
And one more fun thing I would like to share is that our first graders were introduced to oil pastels this week. Students were super excited to use a new art resource to celebrate Earth Day.